14 November 2007

You left a trail of what?

Unlike my usual blogs, I am dateless today. I shoved my camera in my pocket and crash, it broke for the 8th time. Now I'm kicked off my computer and it seems as though I should have done this in the morning instead of tonight. Lessons learned and now I'm on a serious hunt for a new camera, not just a daydream anymore.

We had a successful day and school was not a challenge or chore for *Mila*. She met a new task at her own pace and under her own guidelines. I'm proud of her that she decided when she was ready to meet her goals. When she wants to handle things maturely, she can handle them better them most 39 year-olds. I wish we could all learn something from her. Her new expression has become "No way!?" I love it, because I finally have someone I can answer to with "Way!" Not since 'Wayne's World' has that happened. After a successful class, we went to pick up some silicone at the new home improvement store. The store looks great and we also picked up some ribbons and a few acrylic paints for our art room. As we left the store, I heard a series of puttering which was followed immediately by a big giggle and "Mom! I left a trail of turds behind me!" Turds? You left a trail of turds? Are you a dog?

After that, I was still proud of her.

There is a snoring dog at my feet, time for bed.

signed, the willow

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