25 March 2013

Target (with a soft G)

Target has come to Canada.  And yes it's true, where there was once a Zellers store, there is now a Target store.

So, we happily went to check it out.  The parking lot was full.  But there were no fist fights over parking spots.  We walked in not knowing what to expect.  Then, we began to realize that where things once sat on Zellers shelves, they now sat on Target shelves...in the same spot.  The shelves were new, but looked the same.  The white walls now red.  The employees that wore red polo shirts, now wore red polo shirts.  Scrreeeeech!  Yup.  We found that Canadian Target was a lot like Zellers.  I'm not sure what we were all expecting in Canada.  It makes you wonder about hype.  Shoppers are complaining that the prices are higher.  To be honest, I thought the pricing was reasonable.  But, what do I know?  I don't make it across the border ever.

So, to sum it up:  *Mila* found a purse.  I found packing tape.  I'm happy to have the spot filled where we had Zellers.  I miss Zellers and Walmart makes my head explode, so I've lived out my Zellers shopping at the local grocery stores in the interim.  Thank goodness for Joe Fresh!

signed, the willow

22 March 2013

While we wait for Spring....something cute for you to see

Photos courtesy of my sweetie neighbour, Maren.  She's a talent and inspiration.  What's with all the artsy neighbours of today and yesterday?  Neighbours with paintbrushes. Neighbours with cameras (and many songs written on her albums!).  Neighbours with oil paints.  Neighbours with watercolour ink.  Yes, you Jules!  I miss you.

I have to say that I see my face emerging in the photo above.  Maybe she does look a little like me?

signed, the willow

21 March 2013

Social media and children

I'm encouraging my *mila* to learn how to use Instagram, Twitter, and the likes.  I'm also encouraging her to use these tools responsibly.  However, I'm noticing something (and this is new to all parents out there, as we have never grown up with these mobile tools):  bullying.  Kids get on these devices, toys, mobile phones, etc. and find ways to ostracize each other.  They ignore texts and they're berated.  They put their iPads down to, I don't know, use the bathroom; and the bullying begins.  The constant tethering and umbilical-like ties we teach them by example is causing their own demise.

*Mila* is nine and she wants to use her new iPad to text, facetime, take pics and post them to instagram. But the second someone gets the least bit upset with her, she's deleted from their following.  "Following"?  Yep, what they hell are we doing?

When I was her age, kids rarely phoned each other after school.  So, we came home put our troubles away and didn't lose sleep.  We had our stomach aches in the morning and there was no constant dingling of texts, facetime requests, or instagram deletions.  It's time to teach our children etiquette with the technology we created with such immediacy and need for the quick, small, and entertaining.  These tools are meant to make life safer, easier, and delightful.  They aren't meant to cause gut ache, worry, and drama.

If you have children on these tiny little tapping tools, teach them manners.  Set boundaries.  Set limits.  Our new rules today:  no texting after 7 pm.  No facetime while you eat your dinner.  No followers on instagram without your parents permission.  Oh, and another thing:  we watch everything you do!

signed, the willow

03 March 2013

IX birthday

I won't bother with my babble about how busy I am (or not).

Happy birthday to my sweet *Mila*. You're 9. It's gone zooming by. I haven't missed a heartbeat. Your first 9 years have set the tone about what life's all about. I love you.

the willow


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