04 November 2008

Halloween II

Polkadot pumpkin

*Mila* lost interest at this point with "scratchy face".

Her first carving experience - and purple painting of the pumpkin? What can I say, she's a 4-year-old girl. All must be purple in this world. Well, I did the carving and she drew the face. That's her little orange dude too. She painted him orange.

My "ARRRRGH MATEY" pirate pumpkin. He has an earring. It's a pirate, OKAY!?!?!?

And certainly, last but not least.....*STEVE* in my Brit Spears wig.

Had I known he was willing to do this, I would have punched up those eyebrows with a little magenta!

signed, the willow

1 comment:

  1. i keep telling you get me off of this thing



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