28 October 2011

Name your YOGA

With so many types of yoga out there, it's hard to say which one to practice.  I have always found ashtanga and hatha styles appealing, mostly because they have been assimilated into North American culture.  My body craves short, sharp bursts of energy.  So, yoga has been my balance effect.  My cleanse.  Now, I find I choose to sprinkle some Nia in there as well.  It really rejuvenates my spirit.

This is the yoga I'm dying to try.  Antigravity yoga.

source:  lululemon on YouTube

Stretching your body.  Stretching your trust.  Stretching your imagination.  Stretching your limits.


signed, the willow


  1. this could be tried in a hanging basket chair at the risk of pulling the garage roof down!

  2. It could be tried. But I've seen that roof and it may come down!



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