15 December 2008

Right now the dog is letting out the occasional bark that tells me she needs to go outside but is afraid to. The rain keeps her in and just as well, one less muddy mess to clean up.

We were lucky enough to go to *Steve's* work party this weekend. They treated the kids to a famous Dr. Seuss story about Christmas and each kid came home with a DVD of the latest hit, Wall-E. Which I'm quite happy about since I love Wall-E and his love story, even if the movie does bear resemblance to 2001: A Space Odyssey. So, here is a scene from the party. The moment after I took this picture, as Mr. Narrator (who is directly correlated to my first year Psychology professor - hence the reason I dropped Psych 101) instructed "Jim Halpert" from the Office to bang the gong, everyone under the age of three went into a major hysterical screaming, crying temper tantrum and all hell broke loose. Heck, look at the little girl with her shoulders shrugged, her nervous system went into a tizzy.
Here my tizzy starts with the dog barking.
signed, the willow

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