02 October 2008

I just have THREE Questions for you

Just now on the phone I allowed "E" with her thick Jamaican accent to ask me her "three questions".

My transcript from the conversation, verbatim:

E: "Okay, so they want to know the first question, 'What is the most important issue to you and your family in this up-and-coming election?"

me: "The environment"

E: "And the second question they want to know is 'Who will you be voting for in the up-and-coming election? The Conservative Party, the Liberal party, the NDP, the Green Party?"

me: "Um, I prefer not to answer."

E: "Okay, so the third question they want to know is "Which party will you be leaning towards in the upcoming election? The Conservative Party, the Liberal party, the NDP, the Green Party?"
me: "Again, I prefer not to answer."

E: "Alright, and the fourth question they want to know is "How do you think the current leader of the government is doing?" Is he doing an excellent job, a very good job....etc"

me (in a less than concerned voice): "Oh, he's doing a very good job. Hey, wait a second, wasn't it just three questions?"

Typical. They say they're going to tax you once and they end up taxing you four times!

signed, the willow

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