23 October 2008

All of my ideas, gone, stolen! ARRRGH!

I have to tell you that I have had so many ideas. So many. And I never act on them in time. Instead, I tell my ideas to my confidantes, who then in turn relay them to their confidantes, and so on....until some of these confidantes turn out to be spies for Hollywood! I could have co-written the screenplay for Mean Girls with Tina Fey. And now there is this show called "The Ex List". It's got such a sappy plot, I mean really. This girl goes to a fortune teller who tells her that she will get married within the year or she'll never ever get married. When she asks the seer who it is she'll marry, she's told it is someone she already had a relationship with. So she starts wracking her brain to figure out WHICH ex-boyfriend it will be. This is clearly a girl who loves to rattle off names of old beaus and their faults. But she reacquaints with them and finds some spark all over again. Could HE be the one? Or what about HIM? Um, okay. This is totally something I should have written!!! What is the matter with me? This was clearly my creative outlet to talk about each ex-boyfriend of mine and all their rattle-trap cars, their hair-brained schemes, and overall their general lack of etiquette. Since *Steve*, my husband, is clearly sick of all these stories - would he have watched my show if he was sipping a mai tai in the pool I bought him with my Hollywood dollars? I bet he would.

signed, the willow (someone's ex-girlfriend)

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