07 May 2009

Finding ways to work Brad Pitt into my day

There has been little time for much lately. And by much, I mean muchmusic, muchmoremusic, much food, much laughter, much anything. I skipped my treadmilling today like an experimented-on-hamster-on-a-perpetually-moving-wheel and my day is off now. Sometimes I think it may be the dream I had the night before that is distracting me. However, I wouldn't be so lucky. Brad Pitt was hanging out in a slummy old abandoned restaurant (which reminded me of the sparseness of a certain candy store from my home town) with his publicist. Hey, it seemed more realistic if a publicist was with him. He had this hat on and he smiled at me so kindly when I desperately asked him for an autograph. Then he wrote something for me on an old (1970s) children's storybook. It was pocketbook size and it seemed to have a pale green border framing the cover. Then he wanted to meet my family. So, now do you think we could find them. I was driving and searching all over this abandoned town looking for *Steve* and *Mila* with BRAD PITT! He was talking about his kids and how they were dealing with different issues at school. It was like he was just this everyday parent who loved his kids (I don't doubt that he does love his kids in real life - I'm quite sure he does). So what happened, you ask? Nothing. I woke up. No 'Fight Club;. No 'Meet Joe Black'. No 'A River Runs Through It'. I just woke up while *Steve* lay beside me twitching and the entire room was shuddering from his movements. Gawd! Why can't I ever get to the good part?
signed, the willow

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