20 December 2007

Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore

I forget some days that the pace is different here. It would seem as though we march to the beat of the GO Train rhythm. But, there are times that I'm standing in line at the store waiting behind the customer who insists on the best sale prices and the cashier who takes her word for it. Then they proceed to argue about the store's points card. I'm waiting with a pre-schooler who has to pee and now freaks out in the cart, discovering 3 stocking stuffers I have hidden under a pile of batteries and a present or two for her. Then there is the gratuitous ask if you'd like to apply for a store credit card. Followed by "why don't you get a rewards card?" Further followed by the "would you like to donate to the dying children fund?" Gulp. Of course. I had to go thru the same routine. And we wonder why we are ready for bots to replace cashiers. Because the cashiers are tired from all their quizzes at the end of the day. I think if I had to go back into the retail arena (yes, it is an arena!), I'd fire my managers. There is no time for this yippy yappy stuff. Mostly because the lady behind me is stepping on my scarf and scaring my child! And sadly, I think I want to go back and do it all over again tomorrow. There is no end to my shopping.

signed, the willow

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