An open letter to Suma the dog:
Oh Suma! Good God. Why must you sleep between my feet all night long? You keep me up longer and more frequently than the 3 year old *Mila*. You get up and off the bed 100 times a night and now you seem to love me more than *Steve* and find it cozier between my feet. See, here's the problemo dog: I am only 5'4" tall and thus my legs are short. Therefore, spreading my feet apart to fit your 50 lb body between them turns my posture into the Extended Triangle Pose. Why? You spend your entire days sleeping on the couch in the family room and if you can you find a way on the living room couch. I've found you in *Mila's* bed in the middle of the afternoon and even on my bed all day. So, with so many options for sleeping arrangements, you still choose my bed with my feet around you? I'll still take you for a walk and you'll still get your cookies today. Is that why? Is that why you are staring at me right now waiting and waiting? Why don't you finagle your way into my feet right now? Ah, because you're tired too and you must sleep now? By the way, this picture of you on my blog is you in the middle of a big yawn. So I guess you are not getting your rest either. Well, rest up because Stinky Wizzleteets will be here for Yaksmas very soon!
signed, the willow
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