13 May 2013

The interview

So, I happened across this job for which I applied.  They called me for an interview and I didn't make the cut through to the next round.  C'est la vie!  Right?  Wrong.  Several weeks later, intensely looking for a new job, this same company emailed me for an interview.  Different location, different position.  So, I obliged for the interview.

I arrived early.  So did others.  Yes, this was a group interview.  You've heard of them, or have you?  Anyhow, 4 others arrived, then 10, then 14.  Soon there were about 20 of us.  We were all standing around a naked room.  Naked, as in no chairs or tables.  Not naked as in people naked.  Ok, okay.  While we all stood awkwardly around, I began to make small talk with a nice young lady.  And then it dawned on me:  I was 20 years older than everyone in the room.  Gaw!  How did this happen.  I noticed a nice young man.  Okay, he's the only guy.  Nope.  That soon changed.  Then there were 3 guys and one old lady.  That old lady was me.

Finally, the facilitator arrived and she struggled to get the room ready.  Between myself and two other girls, we offered our help.  We all sat down about 10 minutes after that and the interview began.  She explained to us that we had all applied for a job in one location, but the openings were in a different location.  This didn't seem to bother most, but it bothered me.  This was a retail job.  I'd be lucky to make $13/hr in this job and we all know that the retail jobs are part time.  I worried and fretted about commuting and the cost of gas and the babysitting costs and and and and and....  I went through the interview.  I answered where I felt my input was going to matter and kept my mouth shut for questions like "Tell me about a time someone gave you some feedback.  What did you do with this feedback?"  Huh?  I've been the feedback giver, not receiver.  How would I answer this one?

source:  levistrauss.com

Another zinger came at us:  "Who or what inspires you?"  I wanted to say David Suzuki.  Others dove in telling stories about Grampa coming to Canada from a foreign country and becoming the mayor and then overcoming terminal illness, the smiles that children give, or the smile that you give yourself in the car.  Somewhere in the series of questions came about your favourite book and tv show.  While some answered with philosophical books and Friends (were they born when Friends was on?), one girl told us all about Kris Jenner's book and The Kardashian's on tv.  So she brought that up again.  Kris Jenner was an inspiration.  Then the Kardashians were changing her life.  I was so flabbergasted that I had to come home and call my mom immediately to question what the world was coming to.

Anyhow, within a few short hours of the interview, I received my rejection email.  Turns out my rigidity on location didn't win me any brownie points.  But I'm dying to find out if the Kardashian-inspired girl gets the job?!?!?!?

signed, the willow

Let me try that again


No matter what I have done or do, you are always there in a supporting role.  It's an unspoken role.  You expect no payment, no return of gesture.  You just want me to be happy.  That's it.  It's all that any mother wants for her young.  Go out into the world.  Live your life.  Be happy.  Cry if you have to, or want to, or need to.  But remember to strive to be happy.

Here is picture that belongs to your day

She's protected, she's the protector.  Her stars are the Universe.  She oversees all the love.  She's you.  She's me.  She's the embodiment of love and life.  Only shared between mother and daughter.  The tie is tighter than any other connection.  I'm glad you've shown me the ways and I'm so glad that I love my daughter in the same way.

For those of you happening to stop by and read this, please love your mothers every day.  No one day belongs to your mother.  Every day does.

signed, the willow

11 May 2013

For my mother

Moonlight Dance Mixed Media at ArtistRising.com

Wherever You Go

My mother's voice is always there comforting, strengthening.  No matter how far away, her voice is there reminding me that I am strong enough, brave enough, and I always have her love.

Happy Mother's Day! I love you mom.

24 April 2013

F Scott would be pleased

Years ago, I sat down and watched Gatsby.  I think I read the book (note:  I'm not a fiction reader, I prefer a textbook any day) but it's the movie I remember.  Robert Redford played Gatsby.

Yeah, him.

And now we have Leonardo:

Slightly believable.  Brad Pitt would have convinced me on looks, but I think Leo will play it best.  Well cast.

Then we had Mia Farrow playing Daisy

And now we have Carey Mulligan

I'm not sure I believe it yet.  But proof will be in her acting.

Then it was Sam Waterston who played Nick Carraway.

Yeah, Sam from Law & Order.

Now we have Tobey Maguire.

Completely seeing this character emerge already.

I'm not a fan of the movie theatre, but I could see myself going to see Gatsby.  How about you?  What's on your list to go see at the movies?

signed, the willow

12 April 2013

And I've traced my tree back to Ragnar Lothbrok

Since our tree has been traced back to Thorsteinn the Red, a few clicks away on Wikipedia led me back to Ragnar Lothbrok.  The legend states that Thorsteinn would have been a contemporary of Ragnar, which makes many a historian wonder about the sagas.  Was Ragnar alive a century or so earlier?  Since my other ancestor (Snorri Sturlason) was a big influence, who knows?  A mystery to be solved in my lifetime.

signed, the willow

11 April 2013

Addicted to Bad

Lately I have been watching deep dark dramas.  Finding my dark side is not necessarily a bad thing.  In fact, I've released a lot of negative energy when Walter White rids the world of a drug dealer, or Nancy Botwin marries a drug kingpin to avoid her own execution.

The beauty of tv is that it has evolved into binge watching on Netflix.

So, just what keeps me entertained these days?

Nancy Botwin and her cavalier attitude.  She seems to always manage to get by, or does she?


When I first started watching Bryan Cranston in this role, I thought "How on earth?  What is going on?"  But through the first episode, I realized he could totally carry off the role and I was immediately hooked.  This show has to be one of the best ever to hit the tv screen.  Thank you Netflix!

Breaking Bad

Ok, so I watched this because it came recommended.  First Weeds, then Breaking Bad, followed by Homeland.  I had no interest in the war on terrorism.  It terrifies me.  But Claire Dane's character is hypnotising and you feel for her and at the same time you want to choke her.  At the essence of this series:  human.  We're all humans.  We are all taught to hate based on one incident.  Look deeper and you may find that oil, money, and politics really do rule the world.  Love this show.


I was never a Kevin Bacon fan during his Footloose days.  But as Kevin matured, he became this demure guy with a secret.  His passion shows through in this show.  Still I struggle to get through the gory sick episodes, but I do it for Kevin.  (insert corny smirk here)

The Following

I told you yesterday that I had become just a wee bit addicted.  History Channel has done a fabulous job telling the legend of Ragnar Lothbrok.  A bit of a Robin Hood feel to it, makes you wonder if he really did exist?  I think he did and if he did, well he's my ancestor.  Or so the story goes.  (psst, so is Robin Hood)

and who could forget Vikings

and now for something light

Meet the Bluths.  Jason Bateman was the reason I started to watch.  Then Michael Cera's quirkiness caught my interest.  But Will Arnett?  And his chicken dance?  I'm a crazed fan now too.  And don't we all know families this dysfunctional?

Arrested Development

Hank Moody (David Duchovny) is a tad crazed, a tad calm, just overall filled with problems.  Yes, you want to bring him home for dinner and ask him all sorts of questions.  Like why?  why?  why?


What's on your watch list lately?

signed, the willow


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