23 September 2011

True Indigo

I am a lover of all things indigo.  Not navy bleu.  Indigo.  It's rich, deep, dark and mysterious.  Kind of like aubergine.  Don't ya think?

A few of my favourite indigo covered walls:

source:  rue magazine

source:  apartment therapy
via:  french by design

source:  houzz
via:  french by design

source:  world of threads festival (psst! this is judy martin's manitoulin island studio.  how lucky is she?)

source:  inspireplease

source:  pinterest

source:  pinterest

signed, the willow


  1. @lalalala Isn't it so velvety and pure. Do you have a room you'd want to paint that colour? I think I need a studio painted this colour. I'm so inspired by it.



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