14 September 2011

On the tube tonight

Just what will I watch on the tube tonight?

See for yourself:
There is no PVR in this world that could keep up with that schedule, put the child to bed, wash the dishes, iron clothes for the morning and watch all this.

So, here comes the obvious blogging question:  If there were a Survivor-like challenge, who would win?
Would it be the master foreman of Survivor itself?  Jeff Probst?
source:  buddytv.com

What about smart-witted Julie Chen?  She's so composed on Big Brother and makes the show all the less corny.

source:  stupidcelebrities.net

Peirs Morgan is one tough British dude.  Sharon is married to Ozzy Osbourne and has pulled him from the depths of Hell a few times too many.  Howie Mandel?  His OCD has the better of him.  Not sure about this trio?

source:  blockdot.wordpress.com

The Dragons?  To be honest, Kevin O'Leary has scared me to death for years.  But somehow, this 5-some is Canadian and that takes the edge off.  That's a compliment, by the way.

source:  cbc.ca

The fierce smizing of Tyra Banks and her models.  She could be the winner....

source:  sojones.com

These new kids on the block?  That baby might win on lung capacity alone.

source:  falltvpreview.com

Ok, no contest.  Our winner is a Real Housewife from New Jersey!

source:  guestofaguest.com

signed, the willow

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