28 December 2012

I am sorry

I am sorry that this is a world where a grown woman collected assault weapons and felt it was her right to keep them in a  place where her grown son could access them.

I am sorry that this is a world where a murderer had access to assault weapons, which was more readily available than the help he needed.

I am sorry that this is a world where we glorify violence on tv and teach young children to shoot via video games.

I am sorry that this is a world much different than the world I grew up with.

I am sorry that this is a world with weapons.  All of them unnecessary.

I am sorry that this is a world that let those children lost their graceful innocence .

I am sorry that this is a world let them see, feel, hear, and witness this.

I am sorry that this world left the moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandparents, friends, emergency teams, and a world that feels this heartbreak.

I am sorry that this is a world that has come to this.

I am sorry that this is a world with someone who violated the security of schools.

I am sorry that this is a world where we feel let down.

I am sorry that this is a world that I haven't made into a better place.

I am sorry.

for my *mila*

signed, the willow 


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