12 November 2012

Learn something new

I'm stuck.  In a funk.  Routine is shot.  Life is odd that way.  We define ourselves with how we earn our money, what we studied at University, or through our relationships with who we know.  We don't define ourselves enough by our passions.

I am learning a new skill.  Starting today.  Breaking the old habits and finding the things that make me happy.

No, I am not ironing.  I was never happy ironing (ask my husband).  Nor did I create this scrapbook page.  I suck at that too.  I am taking this time in my life when I feel like I was happy and recreating it in my creative mind.  Turning 6.  I had a moose shirt, a pair of jeggings from the 70s and bangs.

I'll share with you tomorrow what this has taught me.

What makes you happy?

signed, the willow

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