"Willow? Are you there?"
Yes and my soul searching is coming to a close, for now. This chapter is ending and there are all sorts of new beginnings for me and the family. I pursued, chased and tracked down what I wanted to be my dream. It wasn't my dream. And now I am forced to face the realities of closing the chapter on the dusty old dream that belonged to someone else. Instead of feeling regret and failure, I've decided to feel growth. My heart grew bigger, my brain grew a bit bigger, my confidence grew tremendously, my little girl grew tremendously and my list of true friends grew greatly. With all the successes I've had on my journey I have no reason to look back in fear, regret or failure. I grew as a person and now I'm entering the next chapter, as uncertain as it seems right now.
...now back to blogging....
signed, the willow