16 November 2011

Back to Work

My challenge this week has been to balance a new work life with home life.  Working full time for someone else hasn't happened for 8 years for me.  So, it's a bit of a stretch for me.

First, I'm tired.

Second, there's no time to exercise. Or, if there is, I'm sleeping due to the point above.

Third, I miss my little girl and feel like the few precious moments in the evening are spent demanding her to do things.

Fourth, I feel guilty because everyone has made accommodations so that I can work.

Fifth, I feel squeezed, incapable, and fragile.  I'm new at this, so I know that it will get better and no day will be easy or perfect.

signed, the willow


  1. You'll find a groove - but please - of all things, don't hold on to the guilt. It ruled me for years - I had to go back to work full time when Dax was a year old. The guilt made me physically sick over time. I finally came to peace in my power as a working mother, you will too - but don't let that guilt rule you. It's really hard because society really demands working moms to be "selfless super humans". It's impossible. We still have the same needs that can't go unmet - or we will be of no good use to our family.

    You still need to carve out time for yourself. Yes there is time, but you have to claim it because it doesn't come naturally and no one will give it to you. Get yer stick. lol Your gonna to need it! ;)

  2. I love this picture of Suma. Great candid shot. hehe And p.s.--you rock. :)

  3. Thanks ladies. I couldn't have done it without you :) willow.



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