We attempted to get sliding down a slope today. But *Steve* has decided that the toboggan would make a lovely shelf in the garage and placed it 15 feet in the air above the garage door. I'd need to get a stool out there to get the step ladder down. Then, after I get the step ladder down and step up to the peak of that I would have to get the extension ladder down. All this while I am precariously balanced. Did I mention that I have the klutz gene? It's my brother that has the boring gene (it runs on the male side thankfully). So now I'd have the extension ladder down and then I'd have to extend it. Where I would run into many problems. Finally I could climb up it and get all the wood down that is on top of the toboggan and pass it to the four year old girl. Wait. Why are we using a toboggan to shelf some wood? And why are we storing wood? Are we building things? Do we have power tools to build things? I guess we do.
signed, the willow
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