She's my mother's mother and was born in Calgary, but lived in England, as well, as a youngster.
I like to think that my Gran is reading the crime report in the paper. But my cousin is probably making the news as he will be a mountie soon and he tends to make the local news (for some reason known as a patsy). So, Soon-To-Be-Mountie cousin is the favourite because Gran worked at the police station for many years past the standard retirement age and adores men in uniform. These include the American president. Not sure if she likes Obama yet. I'll find out this summer. Dubya is her favourite. If we could somehow connect his blood to ours, well that would be GOOLLLDDD! I'm not the golden child because I refuse to put on a uniform. However, I would like to point out that I am the only grandchild to graduate from University yet. And I am the oldest granddaughter. That should account for something. We all fight for our spot in her heart as an on-going joke because Gran has lots of room in her heart. She's housed more than her share of strangers, helped old men get back on their feet, given "stuff" to those who need it and those who don't, and, heck, her freezer has even been a free-for-all for some of the more famous locals who went on a drunken steak-stealing escapade. Gran deserves a round of applause for raising 7 children plus 2 more who were not in her own gene pool. She put up with a lot in her life and has seen more disgusting things as a matron at the local jail than I ever will in my whole life. So, when we watch our loved ones around us come and go and we manage to keep it all together, we deserve a round of applause. Namaste Gran. I love you even if you do love Dubya.
signed, the willow
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