Well, we've all been sick. Had some scary moments where we were borderline going to the ER with our little girl and it was avoided. THANK GOODNESS. Moments like that restore your faith in the Universe.
One of the happiest things I ever explored was creating paintings for children. I loved it. I painted 2 Muskoka chairs for a pair of siblings eons ago. Then there were cards for friends, all hand-painted, of course. It was so natural how it poured from my soul. I was driven to make little kids happy. I love little kids. Then something changed, I became a mother. I aspired to do this for my little girl. But so many things got in the way. There were diapers, then laundry, bottles to sippy cups, fevers, ruptured appendix, a few anxieties over school, new friends, old friends, runny noses, playground visits, meals, meals, snacks, meals and cleaning up after all of those meals.
So, I want to bring myself back to a day when I created for the young about the young.
And here are a few of my newest (or more favourite) inspirations:
signed, the willow